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Twelve Minutes Of The Modern Warfare Remastered Campaign

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If any last generation shooter deserved a remaster, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was at the top of the list. I got to sit down with the campaign today. Here’s a playthrough of “Charlie Don’t Surf” for you to enjoy.

Modern Warfare Remastered will release alongside Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare on November 4th on the Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Players with early access will be able to experience the game starting October 5th on the Playstation 4.


My initial impressions are mostly positive. This is a faithful recreation of the groundbreaking shooter that most of us know and love. Updated graphics make the big moments bigger than before. Controls feel snappy and fast as ever, giving gameplay and amazing energy. It’s a lot of fun and I can’t wait for multiplayer!

That said, I do have minor complaints. Playing the game again after so many years makes the flaws a bit more apparent. The iconic opening raid sequence “Crew Expendable” is an all time great level in gaming history but the following missions are less spectacular. “Charlie Don’t Surf” captures all the good and bad of the original game. Amazing set pieces and furious gunfights live side by side with frustrating linearity and inconsistent pacing. For me, this is the level I think of when I think of Modern Warfare. Enjoy!